${loserAccounts} been merged into ${winnerAccount}.
A recent audit found these accounts to be duplicative. Addresses, order history and Q-global ordering for both accounts are now accessible via the ${winnerAccount} account. If something isn’t right, contact us.
${loserAccounts} been merged into ${winnerAccount}.
A recent audit found these accounts to be duplicative. Addresses, qualified users, order history and Q-global ordering for both organisations are now accessible via the ${winnerAccount} account. If something isn’t right, contact us.
Q-global is Pearson's web-based system for test administration, scoring and reporting
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Examinee data will be stored on computer servers located in Canada. The primary servers are located in Amazon Web Service (AWS) Canada Central region in Montreal, QC, Canada. Some systems and data within Q-global are also hosted at AWS Europe West 1 region in Ireland.
The data is stored in Canada because of Canadian law, which has a global reputation for the protection it affords to personally identifiable information. Unlike the United States, Canada is recognised by the European Union as meeting the adequacy requirements of the European Union for protection of personal data.
Examinee data on the system is protected through physical security, administrative safeguards and encryption. Examinee data is stored on servers located in a secured data center in Canada in a database that is encrypted with industry standard high-security encryption. When the data is transmitted, the data is encrypted using industry-standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
The system uses a secured Oracle database which separates and segregates a customer's records so that they cannot be seen by other customers. This separation and segregation is confirmed through testing and external auditing.
Access to your Q-global account and the data housed within is protected by your Q-global account password. You are responsible for safeguarding your password, and to change your password periodically and whenever there is a concern about a possible compromise.
Q-global is regularly tested and subjected to audits, both internal and external.
Personally identifiable information, including examinee data, is encrypted on the Q-global system. Encryption is utilised to prevent an unauthorised person from being able to see or use the data.
Pearson system support personnel do not have access to personally identifiable examinee data. In the unlikely event that such access were needed to address a specific problem, specific procedures would have to be followed, which would entail securing explicit consent from the customer, obtaining a copy of the data from the customer or receiving authorisation from the customer and Pearson management to have the data decrypted.
Pearson system support personnel do not have access to, or control over, the encryption keys. The encryption keys are securely held and protected through physical and administrative safeguards in Canada.
Personally identifiable data cannot be used by Pearson for research except with your express written permission and consent. Pearson may aggregate (in non-personal-specific form) test responses and other information collected in the testing process for research, quality control, operations management, security and marketing purposes and to enhance, develop or improve tests and testing processes. This non-identifiable data may be provided to researchers, test developers and Pearson contractors.
Q-global is our web-based system from Pearson that consolidates the content and functionality of three legacy software systems (Q Local™, PsychCorpCenter, and ASSIST™) into one platform. The platform offers on-screen administration of assessments as well as scoring and reporting capabilities for a variety of assessments. Q-global can be described as Pearson's web-based system for administering on-screen assessments that do not require interaction between the clinician and client. The tool also offers a complete set of options for scoring, interpreting, and reporting assessment results.
Q-global is our web-based system from Pearson that consolidates the content and functionality of three legacy software systems (Q Local, PsychCorpCenter, and ASSIST) into one convenient platform that offers on-screen administration of assessments and scoring and reporting capabilities for a variety of assessments. Q Local is the current, desktop-based system that offers on-screen administration of assessments and scoring and reporting capabilities for assessments such as the MMPI-2-RF®, MCMI-III™, MBMD™, and others. In this regard, Q-global can be described as an expansion of Q Local's functionality and content, offered in a web-based format.
Ordering report usages for Q-global™ should function identically to how orders are processed for other per-use components of the assessment process, such as record forms, answer sheets, and response booklets. These are items that are ordered in the same per-use format by organizations large and small, public and private. Q-global usages purchased are no different from this, except for the fact that they are digital items and are delivered virtually rather than paper items physically shipped to the customer.
No. If you are already using one of Pearson's legacy desktop-based scoring and reporting programs, you WILL NOT be required to use Q-global. These programs will continue to operate normally for the foreseeable future and you may choose to continue using them if you wish. It should be noted, however, that as assessment content is migrated to the Q-global platform, two things will occur that customers should be made aware of:
Immediately after migrating to Q-global, legacy software programs (PsychCorpCenter and ASSIST™) will cease to be offered for purchase in their desktop-based format. This means that all new purchasers will only have the option of purchasing these programs in Q-global. See the FAQ question and response below for more details.
Shortly after migrating to Q-global™, legacy software programs (PsychCorpCenter and ASSIST™) will cease to receive ongoing support and maintenance from a systems technology perspective. This means that as new operating systems are released by software makers, Pearson will no longer provide system updates to these legacy programs to ensure their continued functioning for desktop-based use. The major exception to this policy will be the treatment of Q Local™ and its continued support in the market for the foreseeable future. See the FAQ question and response below for details about how you will be able to migrate your Q Local data to Q-global.
No. As a web-based system, Q-global is not currently a viable solution for professionals operating in settings with limited or no internet access. For these organizations, it is recommended that they continue to use Pearson's legacy desktop-based systems (PsychCorpCenter, ASSIST, and Q Local) to meet their ongoing administration, scoring, and reporting needs.
As stated above, these systems will continue to operate for the time-being as customers make the transition to a more internet-connected workplace, and Pearson develops long-term support plans. Moving forward, all new content developed for computer-based environments will reside online via Q-global.
Examinee data on Q-global is protected through technical, physical, and administrative security controls, including encryption of data both in-transit and at-rest. The examinee data is stored on servers located in a secure cloud environment, with the underlying data centers located in Canada. Data stored in databases is encrypted with industry-standard encryption technology.
When data is transmitted over the network, it is encrypted using industry-standard Transport Layer Security (TLS) technology. The system uses secure database platforms that segregate customer records, ensuring they cannot be accessed by other customers. This segregation is confirmed through routine testing as part of our system development lifecycle (SDLC) processes. Customer access to Q-global requires a user ID and password, for which the customer is responsible to safeguard. To this end, the customer is encouraged to change their password every 90 days and whenever there is concern about its possible compromise. Q-global is periodically subjected to audits, both internal and external, that confirm security controls are designed effectively.