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Enjoy a more efficient and user-friendly experience!
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Here’s what you need to do to transition to Assess 2.0:
Complete your transition to the updated app by 26th April 2024 - the original app will not be usable after this date.
Our new dashboard has been designed for greater usability and makes it easier for you to find what you need and get to where you need to go.
Your dashboard features:
The updated details page enables you:
More functionality has been added to the “Notes” feature, including its incorporation into the item screens.
The new app lets you:
View results with ease in the new app! You can hover or open subtests and composites to view more information, and there’s also a new visual representation of subtest scaled and composite scores.
When an examinee doesn’t know the answer or gives no response, simply tap the DK/NR button and it automatically scores that item as zero.
The presentation of Responsive Corrective Feedback dynamically changes depending on the examinee’s response or score for training and trial items.