Manual ordering
While using our e-commerce website for checkout is designed to be the quickest, easiest option for ordering (including the ability to pay by purchase order), customers are welcome to phone.
Please note that all manual orders require a qualified user be identified as well as payment method of Purchase Order or Credit Card. Qualified users must have previously submitted a qualified user form on, or after, November 5th 2021, created a website account, and completed the qualifications section of their profile.
Phone order
Prior to calling, find your products online and write down the name and product code (ISBN) for each item you are ordering. Also, have your customer account number ready.
Then call us at 0345 630 88 88 to place your order. You may pay by credit card or purchase order.
*NHS orders cannot be taken by phone as we are required to be in receipt of an official purchase order. Please visit the Purchase orders page for more info.