Research Assistance Program
Our Research Assistance Program (RAP) is designed to encourage post-publication research that provides new information about the applications and characteristics of our instruments. By making the results of such studies available to the field, you will be contributing to scientific knowledge and sound professional practice.
Terms and Conditions
- The RAP offers a 50% discount on hard copy test materials (applicable to all quantity level prices) for approved research studies conducted in the United Kingdom.
- The proposed project should be a non-billable, potentially publishable, well-designed research study that will be of interest to others in the field. In general, program evaluation studies do not qualify because program evaluation is one of the standard applications of tests and because such research is not focused on providing new information about the tests.
- Products that Pearson distributes but does not publish do not qualify for the discount. For information about the eligible products, please contact us.
- The researcher (or a member of the research project team) must meet the Pearson user qualification requirements for the tests used in the research project.
- The RAP grants a one-time discount for the test materials specified in the original application. Researchers should include in their original application all of the printed test materials they expect to need for the project. A new application is required if additional materials or scoring services are needed.
- The reproduction or translation of tests is prohibited under the RAP.
- The researcher agrees to provide a report of the study results to Pearson.
- The maximum amount (full retail value) for which the discount may apply is £3,500.
- Retroactive applications are not honoured, and no returns, credits, or exchanges are allowed.
- Each delivery to a UK address will incur a £4.50 postage charge.
- If your application is complete and approved, we will process it within ten business days of receipt. You'll be contacted only if there is a question, missing/incorrect information, or if your project is not approved. If you have further questions, call 0345 630 8888.
Format and Instructions for Completing the Research Assistance Program Application
Step 1
Qualification Form:
All customers must be registered with us in order to purchase materials from us. If you are not currently registered with us, please complete this registration form. This form must be submitted alongside the application that meets the Pearson user qualification requirements necessary for the test being used in the research project. Student researchers: a supervisor, advisor, or committee member may complete and submit the qualification form. Non-student researchers: any official member of the research project team may complete and submit the qualification form.
Step 2
Please print and complete all 2 documents in this RAP Application Template:
Study Description and Signature: A description of your study using the outline below. All applications must be properly signed and authorised.
Order form: List your order information on this form.
Payment: Please include institution purchase order document with your paperwork. We also accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. If you choose to pay by credit card, your order will be processed and you will be contacted to call Pearson to provide your credit card information.
All RAP paperwork (and purchase order document if applicable) needs to be submitted via one scanned document and sent via this Contact us form.
If you have any questions regarding the RAP program, please call 0345 630 8888.
RAP Application Outline
- Title. Indicate the full title of the study that will be conducted. If you are requesting research assistance for more than one study, you must complete a separate application for each study.
- Principal Investigator. Indicate the name and institution of the principal investigator of the study. Also indicate the principal investigator's address (both current and permanent), daytime phone number, and email address.
- Other Investigators. Indicate the name and institution of all other investigators involved.
- Purpose of the Study. Describe the general purpose of the study.
- Methodology. Describe the design of the study, including type(s) and number of participants, the data gathering procedures, the instruments used, and the proposed analyses.
- Duration of the Study. Indicate the date you anticipate that you will complete a formal report of the results. The formal report should be submitted to Pearson within one month of this date.
- Signatures and Authorisation. For non-student researchers, your study description must be signed and dated by the principal investigator. For student researchers, your study description must be signed and dated by you and your supervisor, graduate advisor, or committee member. All applications are subject to review by the appropriate Pearson representatives.