Online order (recommended)
- Sign in to your account using the Sign in button at the top right of any page
- Click your profile dropdown (circle with your initials at the top right of the page)
- Navigate to "Quotes"
- Click Order or select the quote you would like to order and click Order from quote
You may also use the link in the email received after creating the quote to view your quotes. Choose the quote for purchase on the list and then click the Order from quote button to complete the transaction.
Webform order*
If you already have a Pearson account (non-website account for which you have an account number) and would like to use a purchase order, you may order directly via the Customer Support webform. Please complete the form information and attach the purchase order PDF. Enter the quote number in the comments field. The quote number can be found on the quote PDF you received via email or online. You will receive an order case number and email confirmation when your order has been received.
Phone Order*
Call us at UK: 0345 630 8888 or from outside the UK: +44 (0)203 564 6419 to place your order. Provide your quote number from the Quote PDF to the Customer Support Agent. You may pay by credit card or purchase order.
*Quotes requested and completed by these methods will not show in your website account.