Betty is head of Children’s Occupational Therapy for the Royal Free Hospital, London. The service includes schools, nurseries and the CDT in the London Borough of Camden.
Betty is also a consultant OT at University College London Hospital (UCLH) and a lecturer in the medical school at University College London (UCL). She manages the largest paediatric Occupational Therapy service in London.
Clinically she specialises in the diagnosis of neurodevelopmental difficulties and in early intervention. Betty is a trainer in the Neonatal Behavioural Assessment Scale (NBAS).
In 1998 she and a psychologist at Cambridge University (England) established the UK Brazelton Centre - now a registered charity which trains hundreds of health professionals in the UK in the NBAS and Newborn Behaviour Observation (NBO).
In 2000 Betty and a physiotherapy colleague in the Bobath Centre London wrote the content for the very popular ‘Early Assessment and Intervention’ course based on Bobath (NDT) which has been taught in more than 10 countries worldwide. Betty has had many awards for her work including the recent ‘Pioneering neonatal therapy’ award presented by NANT (USA).
Betty also teaches and trains internationally on the Bayley III and acts in an advisory capacity to many research projects.
Betty's career revolves around writing, research and teaching, and working with parents and clinicians to improve outcomes for all high risk infants and children with special needs.