Embracing Telehealth: How to use the CELF-5 UK via Q-global

Presenter(s): Angela Kinsella

Get the most out of the CELF-5 during your Telepractice sessions.

The landscape of speech pathology assessments has drastically changed. The term “social distancing” has become a part of our vernacular — seemingly overnight — and this has had a huge impact on how we provide services to our clients and patients. Remote assessments can help you to continue to provide support to those who need it most. In this webinar we will explore what telehealth is, factors to consider in deciding when and how to use it, and how to incorporate standardised assessments into your telepractice.

This free webinar using the CELF-5 UK via Telepractice includes the factors for conducting the assessment and how to capture the student’s responses.

Recorded: at

Embracing Telehealth: How to use the CELF-5 UK via Q-global
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