Margo L. Dichtelmiller, PhD
Margo Dichtelmiller, PhD, is a professor at Eastern Michigan University in the Department of Teacher Education where she teaches online and face-to-face courses in Early Childhood Education and Educational Psychology. She specializes in early childhood assessment. She was one of the developers of the Work Sampling System, and has created professional development materials used in her extensive work with classroom teachers across the country. She has authored staff development materials for the Ounce Scale, a performance assessment for infants and toddlers, and co-authored The Power of Observation.
Dichtelmiller earned her doctorate from the University of Michigan, a master’s degree from the University of Illinois, and a BA in psychology from Oberlin College. Prior to her doctoral work, Dichtelmiller taught infants and preschool children with special needs in home and classroom-based settings. Her book, The Power of Assessment, brings together her own classroom experience, university teaching, and knowledge of early childhood assessment into a readable format filled with stories from teachers and is designed to show teachers the benefits of classroom assessment.