Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) and Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices Plus (SPM Plus)

SPM and SPM Plus
SPM Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices™ and SPM Plus Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices™ Plus are nonverbal tests of observation skills and clear-thinking ability. SPM and SPM Plus are versatile, having various research applications with children and adults

Choose from our formats

  • Kits

    Starter & complete kits, print & digital

    3 options

    From £305.15
  • Test forms & reports

    Booklets, record forms, answer sheets, report usages & subscriptions

    4 options

    From £51.60
  • All products

    All tests and materials offered for SPM and SPM Plus

    7 options

    From £51.60
- of 7 results
Prices include VAT where applicable
  • Ravens Progressive Matrices SPM Kit
    9780749163815 Qualification Level B

    Includes Overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), Pack of 10 EasyScore Answer Sheets and 1 Test Booklet


  • Ravens Progressive Matrices APM Kit
    9780749163792 Qualification Level B

    Includes Overview Manual, APM Admin and Scoring Manual, Pack of 10 EasyScore Answer Sheets, 1 x Test Booklet Set 1 and 1 x Test Booklet Set 2


    Estimated to ship:2-3 weeks
  • Ravens Progressive Matrices SPM Classic Easy Score Record Forms
    9780158338392 Qualification Level B

    Pack of 10


  • Ravens Progressive Matrices CPM Kit
    9780749163808 Qualification Level B

    Includes Overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), Pack of 10 EasyScore Answer Sheets and 1 Test Booklet


    Estimated to ship:2-3 weeks
  • Ravens Progressive Matrices APM Easy Score Record Form
    9780158338378 Qualification Level B

    Pack of 10


  • Ravens Progressive Matrices CPM Easy Score Answer Sheets
    9780158338385 Qualification Level B

    Pack of 10


    Estimated to ship:More than 12 weeks
  • Ravens CPM Test Booklet Qty 1 (Print)
    9780154686213 Qualification Level B



Age range:
6:0-16:0, 17:0+
Summary and detailed percentiles
Qualification level:
Completion time:
Untimed, individual or Group: 20-45 minutes
Classic, Parallel or Plus version
Scoring options:
Manual Scoring

Product Details

The Raven’s SPM and SPM Plus each produces a single raw score and percentile rank to indicate educative ability or the ability to think clearly and extract meaning out of events, compared to a norm group in the general population.


  • Use in a variety of settings, such as testing culturally diverse populations, to minimize the impact of cultural or language bias.
  • Available in a variety of pre-packaged kits for easy purchase and a discounted price from the individual components.


The SPM test has a total of 60 items presented in 5 sets (A-E) of 12 items. The SPM Plus contains more powerful items while retaining the five-set, sixty-item format of the SPM.

  • Multiple manuals contain test administration and interpretation guides, as well as research and technical information.
  • Each version of the Raven’s Progressive Matrices is administered by use of a booklet containing the version specific matrices.
  • Easy Score Answer Sheets transfer answers from the front page directly to translate responses into scores.
  • Easy Score Answer Forms eliminates the need for scoring keys in most situations.


The following resources are available for CPM.


When purchasing a Kit, all of the manuals relevant to the version you are purchasing are included. If you wish to purchase additional Manuals, detailed descriptions of their content are listed below.

If purchasing replacement manuals for administration of Coloured, Standard, or Advanced you will need the following manuals:


Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM)

Manual Section 1 General Overview (1998 Edition, Updated 2003)

Manual Section 2 Coloured Progressive Matrices


Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM, SPM Parallel, SPM Plus)

Manual Section 1 General Overview (1998 Edition, Updated 2003)

Manual Section 3 Standard Progressive Matrices

Advanced Progressive Matrices (Set 1 & 2)

Manual Section 1 General Overview (1998 Edition, Updated 2003)

Manual Section 4 Advanced Progressive Matrices

Manual Section 2 Coloured Progressive Matrices 1998 Edition

  • Gives details of development, administration, scoring, reporting results and interpretation

  • Range of normative data

  • Summary reviews of reliability and validity studies

  • Fuller details are available in the Research Supplements

Manual Section 3 Standard Progressive Matrices 1998 Edition

  • Gives details of development, administration, scoring, reporting results and interpretation

  • Range of normative data

  • Summary reviews of reliability and validity studies

  • Fuller details are available in the Research Supplements

Manual Section 4 Advanced Progressive Matrices 1998 Edition

  • Gives details of development, administration, scoring, reporting results and interpretation

  • Range of normative data

  • Summary reviews of reliability and validity studies

  • Fuller details are available in the Research Supplements

Manual Section 7 Research 1995 Edition

  • Tables giving brief summaries for each of the tests of all normative, reliability and validity studies

  • Source of the study, brief details about the population studied, numbers of respondents involved, results obtained, and comments

Manual Section 1 General Overview (1998 Edition, Updated 2003)

  • Theoretical basis of the Raven’s Progressive Matrices and MHV

  • Nature of educative and reproductive abilities and their link to competence

  • Role of heritability and the environment

  • Ethnic and socio-economic issues

  • Maturation and ‘decline’ of educative and reproductive ability

  • Implications of findings for society and psychologists

  • Reporting results: the need for contextual information, especially on other aspects of competence

  • Applications in educational, clinical and occupational practice

  • Relationships between the three forms of the Matrices

  • Development of the Items

  • Format of the Item Analyses

  • Relationship between the forms of the MHV

  • Addendum: the scientific status of educative ability and understanding item difficulty