Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III

The Millon® Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III (MCM-III) reports patient personality characteristics and an assessment of clinical syndromes within the context of those characteristics
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MCMI-III Q-global Corrections Profile Report
9780749166236 Qualification Level C


£21.00 Excl. VAT


Publication date:
Age range:
18 and older
Reading Level:
Year 9
Adult inpatient and outpatient clinical sample; inmate correctional sample
Qualification level:
Completion time:
25–30 minutes (175 true/false items)
Paper-and-pencil, computer, or online administration
Scoring options:
Q-global™ web-based, Q Local™ Software, or Manual Scoring.
Report Options:
Interpretive and Profile Reports

Product Details

Validated, relevant, and reliable, the MCMI-III assessment provides support for the opinions of psychologists and other mental health professionals in clinical, counseling, medical, forensic, and other settings.


  • Assess the interaction of Axis I and Axis II disorders based on the DSM-IV classification system.
  • Identify the deeper and pervasive personality characteristics underlying a patient's overt symptoms.
  • Gain an integrated understanding of the relationship between personality characteristics and clinical syndromes to facilitate treatment decisions.
  • Obtain the maximum amount of information with a minimal amount of patient effort.


MCMI-III is ideal for use with individuals being evaluated for emotional, behavioral, or interpersonal difficulties.

  • 14 personality disorder scales that correlate with DSM-IV.
  • New inconsistency scale to detect random responding.
  • Grossman Facet Scales identify personality processes that underlie overall scale elevations on the Personality Patterns scales.
  • Updated norms are based on a nationally representative sample that included 752 males and females with a wide variety of diagnoses, including patients seen in independent practices, clinics, mental health centers, forensic settings, residential facilities and hospitals.
  • The Corrections Report builds on the clinical norms and has norms based on 1,676 male and female inmates.


  • Moderate Personality Disorder
  • Severe Personality Pathology
  • Clinical Syndrome
  • Moderate Syndrome
  • Severe Syndrome
  • Correction
  • Modifying Indices
  • Random Response Indicators
  • Clinical Personality Patterns and Corresponding Grossman Facet 
  • Severe Personality Pathology and Corresponding Grossman Facet Scales

Sample Reports

The following sample reports are available for MCMI-III.





Select a question below to see the response.

Test content

When is it appropriate to use the MCMI-III test?

The MCMI-III test should be used for diagnostic screening or clinical assessment of adults who evidence problematic emotional and interpersonal symptoms or who are undergoing professional psychotherapy or a psychodiagnostic evaluation.

It should not be used with nonclinical cases. Individuals under the age of 18 should be administered the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI® test) or the Millon Pre-Adolescent Clinical Inventory (M-PACI®), depending on the individual’s age, rather than the MCMI-III test.

How is the MCMI-III test different from the MCMI-II test?

  • Ninety items were revised or replaced.
  • One new personality scale (Depressive) was added.
  • One new Clinical Syndrome scale (PTSD) was added.
  • New Noteworthy Responses sections were added for childhood abuse and eating disorders.
  • The Axis I scales, specifically Alcohol Dependence, were improved.
  • The item-weighting scheme was changed.
  • There are fewer items per scale and less item overlap among scales.


What are base rate scores?

Base rate scores are a kind of standardized score that differs from the standardized scores that are reported for most personality and clinical inventories.

Instead of standardizing all scales in the inventory to the same mean and standard deviation (e.g., a mean of 50 and standard deviation of 10) in the inventory’s normative sample, base rate scores are scaled to reflect the differing prevalence rates of the characteristics measured by the inventory.

Base rate scores are unique to the Millon inventories. See the MCMI-III manual for a more complete description of the rationale and implementation of base rate scores.

What is the purpose of the Grossman facet scales?

The facet scales help pinpoint the specific personality processes (e.g., self-image, interpersonal relations) that underlie overall elevations on the Clinical Personality Patterns and Severe Personality Pathology scales, thereby aiding in the interpretation of those scales.

For each of the primary personality scales, three scales measuring “facets” specified by Millon’s theory as prominent structural or functional features of that personality pattern are reported.

Thus, there are 42 total facet scales tied to the 14 primary personality scales.

How are the Grossman facet scale results reported?

The profile report includes a graph showing the most salient facet scale scores and a table showing all 42 facet scale scores.

The interpretive report includes the graph, the table, and a section with interpretive text for the scales.

Printing the facet scale results is optional for both the profile report and the interpretive report.