Peabody Developmental Motor Scales, Third Edition

  • M. Rhonda Folio
  • Rebecca R. Fewell
The Peabody Developmental Motor Scales, Third Edition (PDMS-3) is an early childhood motor development program that provides both in-depth assessment and remediation of gross and fine motor skills. The assessment measures interrelated motor abilities that develop early in life.  

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- of 2 results
  • PDMS-3 Complete Kit (Print)
    15065 Qualification Level B

    INCLUDES: Examiner's Manual, Guide to Item Administration, Motor Activities Program, Object Kit, Stimulus Cards, 6 in. x 6 in. Paper Pads, 25 Examiner Record Booklets, 25 Supplemental Subtest Booklets, Scoring Transparency, Peabody Motor Development Chart, 25 Peabody Motor Development Parent Charts, and access to the Online Scoring and Report System, all in a sturdy storage box.

    £844.20 Excl. VAT

  • PDMS-3 Examiner Record Booklets Qty 25 (Print)
    15074 Qualification Level B

    Pack of 25 - includes an activation code for online scoring

    £163.80 Excl. VAT


Publication date:
May 2023
Age range:
0 to 5 years
Age equivalents, percentile ranks, subtest scaled scores, and composite index scores: Gross Motor Index, Fine Motor Index, Total Motor Index
Qualification level:
Completion time:
60–90 minutes
 Individual; paper and pencil
Scoring options:
Online scoring only via the PDMS-3 Online Scoring and Report System
Report Options:
Score and narrative report
The PDMS-3 norms are based on an all-new sample of 1,452 children who were tested from spring of 2016 through spring of 2021.

Product Details


The Peabody Developmental Motor Scales, Third Edition (PDMS- 3) provides both in-depth assessment and remediation of gross and fine motor skills. The assessment measures interrelated motor abilities that develop early in life.

The PDMS 3 has five core subtests and one supplemental subtest.

Core Subtests

  • Body Control
  • Body Transport
  • Object Control
  • Hand Manipulation
  • Eye-Hand Coordination

Supplemental Subtest

  • Physical Fitness


The PDMS 3 has several enhancements from the previous edition:

  • The subtests of the PDMS-3 were renamed to reflect a better understanding of the skills required by the items.
  • The addition of the supplemental Physical Fitness subtest reflects the current literature’s interest in overweight, obesity, and fitness testing of preschool children.
  • Examiner Record Booklets now contain complete administration and scoring instructions, allowing administration of the test without using the Examiner’s Manual.
  • The kit now includes a Scoring Transparency containing images of a protractor and ruler to aid examiners in scoring.
  • The revised Illustrated Guide to Item Administration includes many replaced and updated illustrations.
  • The Motor Activities Program was revised to be more user friendly. It contains units organized developmentally by skill area to facilitate the child's development in areas assessed as requiring intervention.
  • The manipulative kit includes most of the manipulatives needed for testing to better ensure the standardized administration of items.
  • Updated Peabody Motor Development Chart
  • Norms are based on a sample of 1,452 children who were tested from Spring of 2016 through Spring of 2021.
  • Standardized scores and corresponding narrative are obtained via the PDMS-3 Online Scoring and Report System.


Where are the norm tables?

There are no tables in the PDMS-3 manual – all scores are calculated using the online scoring system.

How do I access the online scoring system? Do I need to set up an account?

Yes. Each test user will need an account. Organizations/clinics can set up a single account and add as many examiners and administrators as they need. The activation code needed to access the online scoring will be printed on the PDMS-3 Examiner Record Booklets and Supplemental Subtest Booklets. Information on setting up a new account can be found on page 19 of the PDMS-3 Examiner’s Manual.

Will I be able to edit the online report (i.e. will it generate as an editable document)?
Yes. The Detailed Narrative Report will be available as a Word document and as a PDF.
Who do I contact if I have a problem with the online scoring system?
For support with the online scoring system please email
How was the impact of COVID-19 analyzed/accounted for in relation to the normative data? 
The majority of the PDMS-3 normative sample was collected prior to the pandemic, but the raw score means of the data collected during the pandemic were compared to the raw score means of the data collected prior to the pandemic and found to be very similar.

Complimentary Training

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