Behaviour Assessment System for Children | Third Edition

A comprehensive set of rating scales and forms, the Behaviour Assessment System for Children BASC-3 helps you understand the behaviours and emotions of children and adolescents. Guidance on using this test in your telepractice
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BASC-3 Q-global Administration/Report Qty 1 (Digital)
9780749169688 Qualification Level B

Includes 1 on-screen administration, scoring and reporting for the TRS, PRS, SRP, SDH, PRQ or SOS


£4.20 Excl. VAT


Publication date:
Age range:
2:0 - 21:11 Years
Qualification level:
Completion time:
10-20 minutes (TRS and PRS), 30 minutes (SRP)
Paper and Q-global (digital) 
Scoring options:
Hand-scoring and Q-global (digital) 
Guidance on using this test in your telepractice

Product Details

BASC-3 uses a comprehensive set of rating scales and forms to provide a complete picture of a child's or adolescent’s behaviour and emotions. 


  • Differentiate between hyperactivity and attention problems 
  • Identify behaviour problems as required by IDEA, and for developing FBAs, BIPs, and IEPs.
  • Strong base of theory and research gives a thorough set of highly interpretable scales.
  • Access to efficient and extensive reports using computer scoring and interpretation.


BASC-3 applies a triangulation method for gathering information. It analyzes a child’s behaviour from three perspectives: self, teacher, and parent.

  • Teacher Rating Scales (TRS) measure adaptive and problem behaviours in the preschool or school setting.
  • Parent Rating Scales (PRS) measure both adaptive and problem behaviours in the community and home setting.
  • Parenting Relationship Questionnaire (PRQ).
  • Self-Report of Personality (SRP) provides insight into a child’s or adult’s thoughts and feelings.
  • Student Observation System (SOS) enables clinicians and other qualified observers to code and record direct observations of a child’ behaviour in a classroom setting.
  • Structured Developmental History (SDH) offers a comprehensive history and background survey that supplies a thorough review of social, psychological, developmental, educational, and medical information on the child.
BASC-3 Pie Chart


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Teacher Rating Scales (TRS)

  • Completed by: Teacher or other qualified professional
  • Measures: Adaptive and problem behaviors in the preschool or school setting
  • Forms: Preschool (ages 2 to 5), child (ages 6 to 11), and adolescent (ages 12 to 21)
  • Administration Time: 10-20 minutes
  • Number of items: 105-165, using behaviors that are rated on a four-point scale of frequency, ranging from "Never" to "Almost Always"
  • Validity: Validity and response set indexes used to help judge the quality of completed forms are also available

Parent Rating Scales (PRS)

  • Completed by: Parent or caregiver
  • Measures: Adaptive and problem behaviors in the community and home setting
  • Forms: Preschool (ages 2 to 5), child (ages 6 to 11), and adolescent (ages 12 to 21)
  • Administration Time: 10-20 minutes
  • Number of items: 139-175 items, using a four-choice response format
  • Validity: Validity and response set indexes used to help judge the quality of completed forms are also available.
Self-Report of Personality (SRP)
  • Completed by: Self
  • Measures: Insight into a child's or adult's thoughts and feelings
  • Forms: SRP-I (ages 6 to 7), child (ages 8 to 11), adolescent (ages 12 to 21), college (ages 18 to 25), Spanish version available for the child and adolescent forms only
  • Administration Time: 30 minutes
  • Validity: Includes validity scales for helping judge the quality of completed forms. 
BASC-3 Student Observation System (SOS)
  • Completed by: Teacher or other qualified professional
  • Records: Direct observations of a child’s behavior in a classroom setting
  • Assesses: Both adaptive and maladaptive behaviors, from positive peer interaction to repetitive motor movements
  • Administration Time: Uses momentary time sampling during three-second intervals spaced 30 seconds apart over a 15-minute period
  • Can be employed for the direct observation portion of a Functional Behavior Assessment and can be used singly or with other BASC-3 components.
Structured Developmental History (SDH)
Offers a comprehensive history and background survey that supplies a thorough review of social, psychological, developmental, educational, and medical information on the child
Emotional Disturbance Qualification scales (EDQs)
  • Aligning with IDEA Criteria for ED, BASC-3 EDQs reflect new combinations of existing BASC-3 clinical and adaptive scales. The EDQs cover five of the six IDEA criterion for ED, including:
  • Unsatisfactory interpersonal relationships
  • Inappropriate behavior and/or feelings
  • Unhappiness or depression
  • Physical symptoms or fears
  • Schizophrenia and related disorders of thought


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