Wide Range Assessment of Visual Motor Abilities
WRAVMA- Wide Range Assessment of Visual Motor Abilities (WRAVMA) provides a reliable, accurate evaluation of visual-motor skills of children and adolescents
WRAVMA Complete Kit
9780749170431 Qualification Level BIncludes WRAVMA Administration & Scoring Manual, Drawing Forms (25), Visual Matching Forms (25), Examiner Record Forms (25), Pegboard and Pegs, Pencils, Markers, and Sharpener, black canvas bag
- Publication date:
- Age range:
3 to 17 years
- Qualification level:
- Completion time:
4-10 minutes per subtest
- Administration:
Product Details
Assess and compare visual spatial, fine motor skills, and integrated visual motor skills. Benefits
FeaturesThe WRAVMA assesses three areas using three tests: Drawing (Visual Motor), Matching (Visual-Spatial), and Pegboard (Fine Motor).