Autism Spectrum Rating Scales
ASRS- The Autism Spectrum Rating Scales (ASRS™) provides the first nationally standardised, norm-referenced ASD Rating Scale. This multi-informant measure helps identify symptoms, behaviours, and associated features of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) in children and adolescents.
ASRS DSM-5 Parent Ratings QuikScore Forms (2-5 years) ASRD05
9780749168872 Qualification Level BPack of 25
- Publication date:
- 2009
- Age range:
- 2 - 18
- Scores/Interpretation:
- ASRS Scoring Software or manual scoring
- Qualification level:
- B
- Completion time:
- Full form: 20 minutes, Short form: 5 minutes (15 items)
- Administration:
- Paper-and-pencil
Product Details
Using a five-point Likert rating scale, parents and teachers evaluate how often they observe specific behaviors in the child or adolescent. Benefits
FeaturesThe ASRS full form contains 70 items for ages 2–5 and 71 items for ages 6–18. The short form is designed for ages 2–18 and contains 15 items.