Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement | Third Edition Brief Form

KTEA-3 Brief
The Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, Third Edition Brief Form (KTEA™-3 Brief) is a succinct and individually administered measure of achievement in reading, math, and written expression
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KTEA-3 Brief Q-global Score Report
9780749170387 Qualification Level B


£4.20 Excl. VAT


Publication date:
Age range:
Individuals 4:0–25:11
Qualification level:
Scoring options:
Q-global® (web-based), or manual scoring

Product Details

KTEA-3 Brief provides in-depth assessment and evaluation of key academic skills, and can help identify learning disabilities or measure progress or response to intervention. It is ideal as a stand-alone screener of basic academic skills.


  • Offers two overall estimates of academic skills.
  • Yields core composites in reading, math, and written language.
  • Helps evaluate academic strengths and weaknesses.
  • Supports pre-referral, re-testing, or progress monitoring by administration of three additional KTEA-3 Brief subtests.
  • Standard scores from the KTEA-3 Brief may be used interchangeably with the subtest and composite standard scores from the Comprehensive Form.


The KTEA-3 Brief is a customizable test battery to suit your needs.

  • 3-subtest Brief Achievement composite (BA-3)
  • Academic Skills Battery (ASB) composite
  • Reading composite and ASB composite for children in Pre-K


The following resources are available for KTEA-3 Brief Form.

Now Available!

Digital Assets: Stimulus Books, Manuals, and Other Administration Materials
You can now choose to replace your paper administration components with a digital version of each piece. The Q-global Resource Library hosts KTEA-3 Brief digital stimulus books, manuals, and ancillary administration materials. Each component can be purchased separately or as a digital kit.
NOTE: Paper record forms and scoring are not included in some digital kits at this time. Please refer to the descriptions for items included in any kit purchase.