Battery for Health Improvement 2

Battery for Health Improvement 2 (BHI™ 2) presents concise, coordinated assessments of the biopsychosocial issues most relevant in evaluating patients with injuries. Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.

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    5 options

    From £24.20
- of 6 results
  • BHI 2 Q-global Interpretive Report
    9780749166038 Qualification Level B

    £38.90 Excl. VAT

  • BHI 2 Q-global Profile Report
    9780749166052 Qualification Level B

    £24.20 Excl. VAT

  • BHI 2 Q-global Enhanced Interpretive Report
    9780749166045 Qualification Level B

    £39.90 Excl. VAT

  • BHI 2 Q-global Manual
    9780749141295 Qualification Level B

    £78.80 Excl. VAT

  • BHI 2 Q-global Medical Intervention Risk Report Manual
    9780749141349 Qualification Level B

    £56.70 Excl. VAT

  • MACI Q-global Interpretive Report
    9780749166137 Qualification Level C

    £36.30 Excl. VAT


Publication date:
Age range:
Individuals 18-65
Qualification level:
Completion time:
 Approximately 30 minutes (217 multiple-choice)
Paper-and-pencil, computer administration
Guidance on using this test in your telepractice

Product Details

The BHI 2 test helps caregivers shape an appropriate treatment plan that may reduce treatment time and improve a patient's quality of life.


  • Evaluate a patient's readiness for medical and behavioral interventions.
  • Meet evidence-based medical treatment guidelines outlined for good clinical practice.
  • Measure the relationship and impact of physical, environmental, and psychological factors on the patient's treatment.
  • Support evaluations involving injuries, worker's compensation, and psychological factors.
  • Evaluate treatment effectiveness and monitor clinical outcomes.
  • Facilitate communication within a multidisciplinary treatment team or between physicians and psychologists.


BHI 2 test can be used by psychologists, psychiatrists, anesthesiologists, neurologists, physical therapists, surgeons, rehabilitation specialists, and nurses.

  • Objective results help reduce treatment time, improve treatment planning, and improve the patient's quality of life.
  • Measurement of numerous outcomes, including reduction of pain, improvement in function, and satisfaction with care.
  • 31 items highlight clinical concerns such as Addiction Concerns, Compensation Focus, Sleep Disorders, Satisfaction with Care, Suicidal Ideation, and Violent Tendencies.
  • Content areas within each scale help distinguish specific reasons for problems.
  • BHI 2 instrument compares the patient to individuals with a similar condition for the five reference groups: head injury/headache, neck injury, upper extremity injury, lower extremity injury, back injury.
  • Normed using a sample of 725 community individuals and a sample of 527 physical rehabilitation and chronic pain patients.


View list of scales


Find out how to use this test in your telepractice.

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Profile Report

Provides a patient profile that includes a graphical representation of the patient's raw and T scores in comparison to both the patient and community norms, as well as the patient's rating and percentile. The report also includes a section on Validity Issues, Critical Items, Content Areas, Omitted Items, and Item Responses.

View a sample Profile Report

Basic Interpretive

Report Provides a concise interpretation of test results, including a profile graph and scale summary. The report also includes brief scale category narratives including validity issues, Pain Complaints Item Responses, Content Areas, Critical Items, Omitted Items, Item Responses, Treatment Recommendation, and a Patient Summary.

View a sample Basic Interpretive Report

Enhanced Interpretive Report

Provides a more extensive interpretation of the patient's test results, including in-depth scale category narratives. In additional to all the components of the Basic Interpretive Report , this report also includes section on Somatic Complaints, Item Responses, and Diagnostic Probabilities.

View a sample Enhanced Interpretive Report 

View a sample annotated Enhanced Interpretive Report


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