Movement Assessment Battery for Children Checklist - Second Edition

Movement ABC-2 Checklist
Movement Assessment Battery for Children Checklist - Second Edition (Movement ABC-2 Checklist) identifies, describes and guides treatment of motor impairment.
MABC-3 Checklist - Now available to order!

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  • Movement ABC-2 Checklist Checklists
    9780749136024 Qualification Level A

    Pack of 50



Publication date:
Age range:
5 to 12 years
Completion time:
Individual or Group - 10 minutes

Unboxing the Movement ABC-3 Kit

The Movement ABC-3 is now available to order!

Join Carolyn Hughes, our Assessment Consultant, as she unveils the contents of the kit and showcases all the new additions and updates.

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Product Details

The Movement ABC-2 Checklist takes assessment into the everyday situations in which the child has to function.


  • Used to obtain the views of parents or teachers on a child's movement in everyday settings


  • Provides an economical means of assessing groups of children through classroom assessment
  • Items are divided into two sections, each of which considers the child's performance in progressively more complex situations
  • Behaviour section of the checklist, identical to that contained in the test, considers the extent to which a child's attitudes and feelings about motor tasks are situation specific or more generalised
  • Percentile cut scores are provided


