Movement Assessment Battery for Children | Third Edition

Movement ABC-3
The Movement Assessment Battery for Children, Third Edition (Movement ABC-3) provides an objective measurement of gross and fine motor coordination difficulties in children and young adults aged 3 – 25 years and 11 months.



Choose from our formats

  • Kits

    Starter & complete kits, print & digital

    2 options

    From £1,102.50
  • Test forms & reports

    Booklets, record forms, answer sheets, report usages & subscriptions

    12 options

    From £1.60
  • Support materials

    Manuals, stimulus books, replacement items & other materials

    3 options

    From £31.50
  • All products

    All tests and materials offered for Movement ABC-3

    17 options

    From £1.60
- of 17 results
  • MABC-3 Complete Kit (Digital)
    A103000357637 Qualification Level B

    Includes digital Test Manual, 50 Q-global Test Reports, 50 Q-global Checklist Reports, 50 AB1 Drawing Circles Sheets, 50 AB2 Drawing Circles Sheets, 50 AB3 Drawing Circles Sheets and a Manipulatives Set.

    Once ordered, the digital assets are accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. The manual is a view-only digital file.

    £1,102.50 Excl. VAT

  • MABC-3 Q-global Test Manual (Digital)
    A103000357638 Qualification Level B

    The digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.

    £110.30 Excl. VAT

  • MABC-3 Test Manual (Print)
    A103000357646 Qualification Level B

    £110.30 Excl. VAT

  • MABC-3 Record Form Age Band 1, Ages 3:0-6:11 (Print)
    A103000357650 Qualification Level B

    Pack of 25

    £78.80 Excl. VAT

  • MABC-3 Record Form Age Band 2, Ages 7:0-11:11 (Print)
    A103000357651 Qualification Level B

    Pack of 25

    £78.80 Excl. VAT

  • MABC-3 Record Form Age Band 3, Ages 12:0-25:11 (Print)
    A103000357644 Qualification Level B

    Pack of 25

    £78.80 Excl. VAT

  • MABC-3 Checklist Age Band 1, Ages 3:0-6:11 (Print)
    A103000357645 Qualification Level A

    Pack of 25

    £39.40 Excl. VAT

  • MABC-3 Checklist Age Band 2, Ages 7:0-11:11 (Print)
    A103000357653 Qualification Level A

    Pack of 25

    £39.40 Excl. VAT

  • MABC-3 Self-report Checklist for Age Band 3, Ages 12:0-25:11 (Print)
    A103000357654 Qualification Level A

    Pack of 25

    £39.40 Excl. VAT

  • MABC-3 Checklist for completion by a caregiver or other respondent for Age Band 3, Ages 12:0-25:11 (Print)
    A103000357647 Qualification Level A

    Pack of 25

    £39.40 Excl. VAT

  • MABC-3 Checklist Manual (Print)
    A103000357663 Qualification Level A

    £31.50 Excl. VAT

  • MABC-3 Drawing Circles Response Sheet Age Band 1, Ages 3:0-6:11 (Print)
    A103000357664 Qualification Level B

    Pack of 50

    £12.60 Excl. VAT

  • MABC-3 Drawing Circles Response Sheet Age Band 2, Ages 7:0-11:11 (Print)
    A103000357649 Qualification Level B

    Pack of 50 

    £12.60 Excl. VAT

  • MABC-3 Drawing Circles Response Sheet Age Band 3, Ages 12:0-25:11 (Print)
    A103000357666 Qualification Level B

    Pack of 50

    £12.60 Excl. VAT

  • MABC-3 Complete Kit (Print)
    A103000357667 Qualification Level B

    Includes Test Manual, 25 AB1 Record Forms, 25 AB2 Record Forms, 25 AB3 Record Forms, 25 AB1 Checklists, 25 AB2 Checklists, 25 AB3 Self Checklists, 25 AB3 Other Checklists, Checklist Manual, 50 AB1 Drawing Circles Sheets, 50 AB2 Drawing Circles Sheets, 50 AB3 Drawing Circles Sheets and a Manipulatives Set. 

    £1,155.00 Excl. VAT

  • MABC-3 Q-global Test Score Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    A103000357631 Qualification Level B

    £4.20 Excl. VAT

  • MABC-3 Q-global Checklist Administration/Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    A103000357632 Qualification Level A


    £1.60 Excl. VAT


Publication date:
2023 (print) and 2024 (digital)
Age range:
3 to 25 years and 11 months
Task-level scaled scores, domain-level t-scores, Total Motor Score, percentile ranks
Qualification level:
Completion time:
30-45 minutes
Test: Individual; paper and pencil
Checklist: Individual or group paper and pencil or via Q-global
Scoring options:
Hand scoring or digital scoring via Q-global
Report Options:
Score summary report
The Movement ABC-3 norms are based on an all-new sample of 1279 children and young adults who were tested between August 2021 and February 2023 in the UK, Australia and New Zealand

Unboxing the Movement ABC-3 Kit

Join Carolyn Hughes, our Assessment Consultant, as she unveils the contents of the kit and showcases all the new additions and updates.

Watch the video

Product Details

The Movement Assessment Battery for Children, Third Edition (Movement ABC-3) provides an objective measurement of gross and fine motor coordination difficulties in children and young adults aged 3 – 25 years and 11 months. 

Movement ABC-3 Benefits: 

  • Identify delay or impairment in motor development
  • Plan intervention
  • Measure change and monitor progress over time
  • Widely known and respected for use in research related to motor development
  • Gain a holistic picture of motor performance using the Checklists to complement observational assessment

The Movement ABC-3 updates include:

  • Revised and updated test content and items
  • New manipulatives
  • Extended age range down to 3 and up to 25 years and 11 months
  • Co-collected sample between the UK and ANZ
  • Unified constructs across ages

Three Movement ABC-3 subtests:

  • Manual Dexterity
  • Aiming & Catching
  • Balance & Locomotion

Separate Checklists for each age band:

  • Parent/Teacher/Other
  • Self (age band 3 only)

Test content and structure

The test contains 10 tasks for each of 3 age ranges: 3 – 6 years (3-year-olds complete 7 tasks); 7 – 11 years and 12 – 25 years and 11 months. The tasks cover the following 3 domains:

  • Manual Dexterity
  • Aiming & Catching (ball skills)
  • Balance & Locomotion

Task, domain and Total Motor scores are provided. A profile of a child’s performance over the different sections of the test can be examined and a ‘traffic light’ system helps map areas of strength and concern.

The assessment is paralleled by an observational approach to perceptual-motor aspects and emotional and motivational difficulties the individual may have in relation to motor tasks.


  • Norms based on a sample of 1279 collected jointly in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand
  • Extensive international research built over the previous version of the assessment and this version - featuring in over 500 studies
  • Numerous translations worldwide

The Movement ABC-3 Checklists

The Movement ABC-3 Checklists provide a means for assessing movement in everyday situations in which the child or young adult participates.

Use the checklist to:

  • Assess groups of students in classroom situations
  • Obtain parents’ or teachers’ views on an individual’s movement in everyday settings
  • Measure the extent to which a young person’s attitudes and feelings about motor tasks are situation specific or more generalised
  • Ascertain the impact of motor difficulties on an individual’s participation in everyday activities

Digital administration and scoring options

The Movement ABC-3 can be administered using either paper or digital record forms. Online scoring is available via Pearson's Q-global® online assessment platform.




Which manipulatives in the Movement ABC-3 have been carried over from Movement ABC-2? 

The tennis ball, bean bag, pegboard and pegs, yellow threading beads, lacing board, triangle test, blue coin bank and coins have all been carried over from the previous edition.

New manipulatives that have been introduced in the Movement ABC-3 kit include a larger ball, updated balance board and mats, new target, line walking mats and two additional sets of threading beads for age bands 2 and 3.

Can I re-use Movement ABC-2 manipulatives or upgrade my old kit to convert it to the new edition?

Some of the manipulatives are the same in the 2nd and 3rd editions of the test, but the majority of items in the Movement ABC-3 are new, for example the Test manual, Checklist manual, record forms, Checklists, drawing circles sheets, and the additional or updated manipulatives. It is therefore not recommended to try to upgrade an old kit. Manipulatives that have been carried over from the Movement ABC-2 can be kept as spare parts.

There are some black items in a plastic bag in my kit. What are they for?

The items in the plastic bag are dividers to help you organise your kit bag if you wish. There is also a storage bag for the walking line mats. They aren't required for any of the assessment tasks - you can discard them if you don't want to use them.

How can I access the demonstration videos?

For Q-global users, a link to the videos is available in a pdf document in the Q-global resource library. Test users who don't have access to Q-global can view the Movement ABC-3 Demonstration Videos here.


Complimentary Training

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Learn more about MABC-3 and how to use it with fidelity.

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