Rookwood Driving Battery

  • Patricia McKenna
The Rookwood Driving Battery (RDB) is a battery of simple neuropsychological tests designed to assess basic cognitive functions essential for safe driving

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  • Kits

    Starter & complete kits, print & digital

    1 option

    From £503.00
  • Test forms & reports

    Booklets, record forms, answer sheets, report usages & subscriptions

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    From £90.30
  • Support materials

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    From £157.50
  • All products

    All tests and materials offered for RDB

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    From £90.30
- of 3 results
  • RDB Manual
    9780749144418 Qualification Level B


    £157.50 Excl. VAT

  • RDB Complete Kit
    9780749171841 Qualification Level B

    Includes Manual, Stimulus Book, 3 Stimulus Cards, Scoring Key, Story USB, 25 Record Forms and set of manipulatives

    £503.00 Excl. VAT

  • RDB Record Forms
    9780749144357 Qualification Level A

    Pack of 25

    £90.30 Excl. VAT


Publication date:
Age range:
Qualification level:

Product Details

The test is designed to be used by therapists involved in driving assessment or those working in older adult and neurology services where they may be called upon to give an opinion of driving skill


  • Each of the skills tested relate to the ability to move a car in space and act appropriately in on-road traffic
  • Performance on the battery gives a good indication of an individual’s cognitive fitness to drive and help decide whether an on-road test is appropriate
  • The test is for use with clients with any neurological condition which affects brain functioning (e.g. stroke, acquired brain injury, dementia etc)
  • The battery takes 30-40 minutes to administer
  • Each of the tests is simple and performance is not dependent on IQ
  • They also do not require fine manual dexterity so can be carried out easily by people who are physically frail or disabled

The test is designed to be used by therapists involved in driving assessment or those working in older adult and neurology services where they may be called upon to give an opinion of driving skill


Each of the skills tested relate to the ability to move a car in space and act appropriately in on-road traffic

  • The domains of functioning assessed include visual perception, praxis skills, and executive function
  • The battery has sound normative data from healthy drivers and older adults and has been validated against on-road performance at the South Wales Driving Assessment Centre in Rookwood Hospital


