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Cambridge Prospective Memory Test

Cambridge Prospective Memory Test (CAMPROMPT) is used to assess prospective memory (16 years and older)
CAMPROMPT Kit is out of print as of September 2024

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  • CAMPROMPT Record Forms
    9780749133696 Qualification Level B

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Publication date:
Age range:
16 years and older
Qualification level:
Completion time:
Individual - 25 minutes

Product Details

Prospective memory is the ability to remember to do things at a particular time or within a given interval of time or when a certain event happens.

In other words, prospective memory is remembering to do things rather than remembering things that have already happened. For people with brain injury, failures in prospective memory, such as forgetting to take medication, can have devastating effects on everyday life and are likely to threaten independence.

Despite its clinical significance, prospective memory has been relatively under investigated, due perhaps to the absence of a suitably objective and standardised clinical instrument, which is able to accommodate activities in daily life as opposed to ‘laboratory’ or computerised tasks that may not reflect real life needs.

Following a pilot study (Groot et al, 2002), the authors modified this version and now offer a test that comprises of three time based tasks and three event based tasks.

Norms have been collected from 212 controls and a group of people with brain injury. Considerable differences between age groups and groups of different ability levels are reported and reflected in the scoring. Significant correlations with retrospective memory functioning were found.



Could you please give me more information on the test including the tasks involved and administration time?

In the test examinees are asked to work on a number of ‘background’ distractor pencil and paper tasks such as a general knowledge quiz or word-finder puzzle for a 20 minute period. While they are doing this, and shortly after the 20-minute period is up, they carry out 6 prospective memory tasks. These tasks are cued in 2 ways: three are cued by time, three are cued by events. In all, the test will take about 25 minutes to administer. Three types of scores are obtained: prospective memory time-based score, event-based score and total score. The type of prospective memory tasks that the examinee is asked to do includes such tasks as remembering to change tasks at a certain time and reminding the examiner to do something (e.g. “do not forget your keys”).

I would appreciate information on the normative samples, psychometric properties of the test, statistical information yielded, and so forth. As tests of prospective memory often show significant correlations with tests of executive functioning I would be interested to learn how this test performs in this respect, and also of any correlations between this and other tests of memory e.g. WMS-III, and intellectual functioning e.g. WAIS-III.

Norms were collected from 212 controls and 72 patients (TBIs and patients with degenerative neurological conditions). The test has good reliability and validity. Tests of validity have looked at the relationship of the CAMPROMPT to other tests of memory (RBMT) and other cognitive measures (Modified Six Elements (BADS), Map Search (TEA), Speed of Comprehension test (SCOLP)). There are significant correlations between the CAMPROMPT total score and profile and screening scores of the RBMT, between the RBMT and the CAMPROMPT event-based tasks, but not between the RBMT and time-based tasks. The 1-minute Map Search subtest correlated with all three CAMPROMPT measures (time-based, event-based and total prospective memory score) and the 2-minute Map Search test score correlated with the total and time-based scores, confirming the involvement of the attentional system in prospective memory, especially the time-based tasks. The Modified Six Elements Test correlated with the total score and the event-based tasks, confirming the role of executive processing in prospective memory, especially the event-based tasks, and the Speed of Comprehension Processing Test correlated with only the event-based tasks, confirming that speed of verbal information processing plays only a minor part in these prospective memory tasks.

What are the 3 ability bands for the CAMPROMPT?

The three ability bands refer to IQ bands which the norms were calculated for within each of four age groups. The IQ bands are above 110, 90-110, and below 90.

What should you do if the patient carries out a memory task before the assigned time?

If the examinee carries out a task before the assigned time instead of the task s/he was supposed to, then the tester should follow the prompts as given in the manual (page 14) and the examinee should still have the opportunity to complete the task (committed in error ) at the right time. If, however, the examinee carries out an incorrect task out of the blue, s/he should be told this is not the right time to do the task and, once again, the opportunity to complete the task at the correct time remains. In this case I would deduct one point from the final score.