Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status Update

RBANS™ Update
  • Christopher Randolph
The Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status Update (RBANS Update) is a brief, individually administered battery used to assess neuropsychological status. Guidance on using this test in your telepractice
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RBANS US Update Form D Kit (Print)
9780158007007 Qualification Level B

Includes Stimulus Book D, 25 Record Forms D, Score Template D.

This is a US Kit - there is no UK update version available.


£382.20 Excl. VAT


Publication date:
1998 with update in 2012
Age range:
12 years to 89 years
Qualification level:
Guidance on using this test in your telepractice

Product Details

Offering valuable enhancements, the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status Update® (RBANS® Update) is a brief, individually administered battery to measure cognitive decline or improvement


  • Used by clinicians to help screen for deficits in acute-care settings, track recovery during rehabilitation, track progression of neurological disorders and screen for neurocognitive status in adolescent
  • Covers five domains: Immediate Memory, Visuospatial/Constructional, Language, Attention, and Delayed Memory


  • Downward age extension to 12:0 years
  • Subtest scores now available in addition to index scores
  • Manual updates, including new information on adolescents and review of RBANS-specific research conducted since original publication (1998)
  • Equating studies for Forms C and D


Q-interactive® is a revolutionary digital system that delivers the world’s most advanced assessment tools you can take with you anywhere. Administer interactive assessments with an intuitive, portable system that uses two iPads connected to each other via Bluetooth.

Access RBANS Update on Q-interactive under our Standard Q-interactive Licence.

PLEASE NOTE: Registered users with a qualification code of CL1 are eligible to purchase assessments from the Standard Q-interactive Licence. The Standard Licence provides access to all tests available on the Q-interactive assessment library including: WAIS-IVUK, WISC-VUK, WIAT-IIIUK, KTEA-3, WRAT-5, WMS-IVUK, CVLT-C, CVLT-3, DKEFS, NEPSY-II, RBANS Update, GFTA-3, KLPA-3 (report only), CELF-5UK

Selected subtests for RBANS Update are now available in the Q-interactive Assessment library.

Additional materials required

View list of additional materials required to administer RBANS Update on Q-interactive.

The Q-interactive Standard Licence and its additional materials can be purchased from this page. Simply add each item to your basket from the pricing table below.



Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status Update (RBANS™ Update) - Frequently Asked Questions

How has the RBANS been updated?

The RBANS content remains the same with updates as follows:

Downward age extension to 12:0 years

Subtest scores now available in addition to index scores

Manual updates, including new information on adolescents and review of RBANS-specific research conducted since original publication (1998)

For UK users - the Information and Orientation subtest has been removed.

Am I required to purchase new updated materials to continue using this assessment?

You are not required to purchase new materials unless you require the normative data for the downward extension, the subtest level scores, or an update on specific research which is included in the new manual. All old and new materials are interchangeable.

What new scores are available?

Subtest level scores are now available for all 12 subtests, and normative data down to age 12.

What are the Notes for UK Users and do I require them?

The Notes for UK Users were developed to assist UK clinicians with administering the RBANSUK Update. It details appropriate substitutions for the UK population, these substitutions are also on the RBANSUK Update Record Forms A and B.

I have the original RBANSUK Kit (form A and B), but do not require the downward extension of norms. What do I need to purchase in order to use the new UK updated Version?

You can use the updated UK record forms with your existing kit, it is recommended that you purchase the notes for UK users to supplement your use of the form. However, if you wish to generate the additional subtest scores you will need to purchase the updated stimulus manual(s) which contain the normative data.

I have the original RBANSUK Kit (form A and B), and would like to use the downward extended norms. What do I need to purchase to continue to use the UK version?

It is recommended that you purchase the RBANSUK update kit for the version(s) you are using.

I have the updated US RBANS Update Kit. What do I need to purchase to use the RBANSUK Update?

You can use the updated UK record forms with your existing US kit, you will need to purchase a UK scoring template to use with your UK forms; it is recommended that you purchase the notes for UK users to supplement your use of the form.

I am using the original RBANSUK Kit. I have received the UK updated record forms? Can I use these with my existing kit?

You can use the updated UK record forms with your existing kit, it is recommended that you purchase the notes for UK users to supplement your use of the form. However, if you wish to generate the additional subtest scores you will need to purchase the updated stimulus manual(s) which contains the normative data.

Can I use the UK Update forms with the US Update kit?

You can use the updated UK record forms with your existing US kit, you will need to purchase a UK scoring template to use with your UK forms; it is recommended that you purchase the notes for UK users to supplement your use of the form.

Do I need to use the UK Update scoring template if I use the UK Update record forms?

The US scoring template is sized to fit a US paper size, it is recommended to use the UK scoring template to reduce the possibility of errors. If you have an existing UK scoring template you can continue to use this with the new update forms.

What are the differences between the old RBANSUK forms and the RBANSUK Update forms ones?

The old UK forms contained an Information and Orientation subtest which has now been removed. The Information and Orientation Subtest was based on old data from the WMS-III which has since been superseded by WMS IV. This subtest has therefore been removed as result of consultation with customers and experts in the field.

The new update forms also contain space for additional subtest scores provided in the update.

Why is kit A more expensive than kit B?

Kit A contains an examiner’s manual which is not included in kit B.