Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children | Second Edition Normative Update
KABC-II NU- Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children | Second Edition Normative Update (KABC™-II NU) is a culturally fair ability test for all children. It is an effective and individually administered measure of cognitive ability.
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Starter & complete kits, print & digital
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From £1,196.00 -
Test forms & reports
Booklets, record forms, answer sheets, report usages & subscriptions
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From £5.30 -
Support materials
Manuals, stimulus books, replacement items & other materials
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From £107.10 -
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All tests and materials offered for KABC-II NU
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From £5.30
KABC-II NU Complete Kit with Norm Update Supplement
9780749142711 Qualification Level CIncludes KABC-II Manual (Print), KABC-II NU Normative Update Manual (Print), Stimulus Easels 1-4 (Print), Story Completion Book (Print), Rover Booklet (Print), Word Order Card Set (Print), Story Completion Cards (Print), 25 Record Forms (Print), Set of Manipulatives, and soft-sided carrying case.
Estimated to ship:3 weeks -
KABC-II NU Record Forms
9780749142766 Qualification Level CPack of 25
KABC-II NU Norm Update Supplement
9780749142810 Qualification Level C -
KABC-II NU Manual and Norm Update Supplement Package
9780749142865 Qualification Level C -
KABC-II NU Record Forms
9780749153113 Qualification Level CPack of 25 Record Forms to accompany the original KABC-II for customers who prefer not to utilise the KABC-II norm update
KABC-II Q-global Score Report Qty 1 (Digital)
9780749170134 Qualification Level CQ-global Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children Second Edition (KABC-2) Score Report Usage
KABC-II Q-global Scoring Subscription 1 Year (Digital)
9780749168933 Qualification Level CIncludes unlimited scoring per user within an account
- Publication date:
- KABC-II 2004, KABC-II NU March 2018
- Age range:
- 3-18
- Scores/Interpretation:
- Age-based standard scores, age equivalents, and percentile ranks
- Qualification level:
- C
- Completion time:
- 25 to 55 minutes (core battery, Luria model), 35 to 70 minutes (core battery, CHC model)
- Administration:
- Paper-and-pencil
- Scoring options:
- Q-global® web-based scoring or Manual scoring
- Report Options:
- Score Summary, Scale Profile, and Achievement / Ability Comparison Reports
Product Details
The KABC-II NU has a broad theoretical base, making it the instrument of choice for all cognitive assessment applications. Normative UpdateFor current KABC-II customers, you do not need to purchase a new kit. The only new items needed are the KABC-II NU Manual Supplement (25047) and the KABC-II NU Record Forms (25041). The KABC-II NU Norm Update Supplement will come with a sticker you can place on the KABC-II Manual to remind you to utilize the norms from KABC-II NU Manual Supplement. Benefits
FeaturesKABC-II NU scales include: Simultaneous (Gv), Sequential (Gsm), Planning (Gf), Learning (Glr), and Knowledge (Gc included in CHC model only)
ScalesResources |
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