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Wechsler Individual Achievement Test - Third UK Edition

The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test - Third UK Edition (WIAT-IIl UK) provides a reliable assessment of reading, language and numerical attainment in one test. Guidance on using this test in your telepractice

Choose from our formats

  • Kits

    Starter & complete kits, print & digital

    3 options

    From £95.00
  • Test forms & reports

    Booklets, record forms, answer sheets, report usages & subscriptions

    5 options

    From £1.85
  • Support materials

    Manuals, stimulus books, replacement items & other materials

    17 options

    From £10.00
  • All products

    All tests and materials offered for WIAT-III UK

    25 options

    From £1.85
- of 25 results
  • WIAT-III UK Oral Reading Fluency Booklet (Print)
    9780749171889 Qualification Level A


    £18.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III UK Examiner's Manual (Print)
    9780749167097 Qualification Level B


    £133.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III UK Stimulus Book (Print)
    9780749171940 Qualification Level B


    £381.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III UK Record Forms (Print)
    9780749171858 Qualification Level B

    Pack of 25

    £122.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III UK Scoring and Normative Supplement (Print)
    9780749171926 Qualification Level B

    UK Scoring and Normative Manual

    £108.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III UK Complete Kit (Print)
    9780749171971 Qualification Level B

    Includes Examiner's Manual, Technical Manual, UK Scoring and Normative Manual, Stimulus Book, Scoring Workbook, Oral Reading Fluency Book, Word Card, Pseudoword Card, Downloadable Audio, 25 Response Booklets and 25 Record Forms.

    £765.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III Technical Manual/Audio USB
    9780749171957 Qualification Level B

    US Technical Manual with Adult Norms and Audio USB

    £135.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III UK Q-global Pseudoword Card (Digital)
    9780749173272 Qualification Level B

    This item is to be used for demonstration purposes only by the examiner during an administration, not for examinee use.

    Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.

    £10.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III Q-global Technical Manual (Digital)
    9780749115463 Qualification Level B

    US Technical Manual with Adult Norms. 

    Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.

    £125.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III UK Scoring Workbook (Print)
    9780749171933 Qualification Level B

    This scoring workbook includes actual student responses from the standardisation sample and shows how to correctly score each response for the subjectively scored subtests (Alphabet Writing Fluency, Sentence Composition and Essay Composition). 

    £55.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III UK Q-global Scoring and Normative Supplement (Digital)
    9780749172077 Qualification Level B

    UK Scoring and Normative Manual.

    Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.

    £97.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III UK Q-global Score Report (Digital)
    9780749172008 Qualification Level B

    One time use WIAT-III UK score report credit for Q-global.

    Manually enter data to generate scores and reports.

    £3.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III UK Response Booklets (Print)
    9780749171919 Qualification Level B

    Pack of 25

    £82.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III UK Q-global 1 Year Scoring Subscription (Digital)
    9780749171995 Qualification Level B

    Includes unlimited scoring per user within an account.

    £51.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III UK Q-global Scoring Workbook (Digital)
    9780749173012 Qualification Level B

    This scoring workbook includes actual student responses from the standardisation sample and shows how to correctly score each response for the subjectively scored subtests (Alphabet Writing Fluency, Sentence Composition and Essay Composition).

    Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.

    £48.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III UK Q-global Examiner's Manual (Digital)
    9780749173005 Qualification Level B

    Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.

    £118.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III UK Q-global Word Card (Digital)
    9780749173265 Qualification Level B

    This item is to be used for demonstration purposes only by the examiner during an administration, not for examinee use.

    Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.

    £10.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III UK Q-global Stimulus Book (Digital)
    9780749173258 Qualification Level B

    Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.

    £377.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III UK Q-global Oral Reading Fluency Booklet (Digital)
    9780749173487 Qualification Level B

    This item is to be used for demonstration purposes only by the examiner during an administration, not for examinee use.

    Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.

    £16.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III UK Q-global Audio (Digital)
    9780749176099 Qualification Level B

    WIAT-III UK Q-global Audio Files.

    £24.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III UK Pseudoword Card (Print)
    9780749171896 Qualification Level B

    £10.00 Excl. VAT

  • WIAT-III UK Word Card (Print)
    9780749171964 Qualification Level A

    £10.00 Excl. VAT

  • Education Q-interactive Licence · 1 Year (Digital)
    9780749172152 Qualification Level B

    One licence required per user

    Tests included:
    WIAT-III UK, WRAT5, KTEA-3, EVT-3, BBCS–4:R and BRSA-4.

    Please Note:
    All licences require the purchase of subtests (product number 9780749167615). Please add these to your cart before checkout. A minimum number of 150 subtests are required. Tiered pricing discounts are available.
    One licence required per user - please refer to our Licence Terms and Conditions

    £95.00 Excl. VAT

    1-24 £95.00
    25-49 £75.00
    50+ £55.00
    Savings are estimated
  • Q-interactive Subtest Usage Fee
    9780749167615 Qualification Level A

    This is a subtest usage fee for all Q-interactive tests, including but not limited to WISC, CELF, WIAT, WAIS, etc.

    Pre-pay for subtests by estimating what you plan to use in a given period or based on your administration history. Tiered pricing is available based on the number of subtests.

    Please note the administration of BSRA, CVLT, EVT, GFTA, KLPA, and RBANS are equivalent to three subtests.

    The WIAT, WRAT and KTEA consume 0.5 subtest usages per subtest administered.

    For Memory subtests in which there is a Delayed Recall condition, there is no additional charge for the delayed administration.

    Some test(s) require the use of manipulative items or response booklets that must be purchased separately. Please see required materials.

    Unused subtests will only carry forward upon continued renewal of an annual license. Any break or suspension in the annual licence will forfeit unused pre-paid subtests.

    Additional subtests consumed beyond the initial upfront number purchased will be post-billed as per our Licence Terms and Conditions. Alternatively, additional pre-paid subtest usages can be purchased at any time as per the advertised price.

    Minimum order of 150 items

    £1.85 Excl. VAT

    1-750 £1.85
    751-5000 £1.65
    5001+ £1.40
    Savings are estimated
  • Standard Q-interactive Licence · 1 Year (Digital)
    9780139800054 Qualification Level C

    One licence required per user

    Tests included:
    WAIS-IV UK, WISC-V UK, WIAT-III UK, KTEA-3, WRAT-5, WMS-IV UK, CVLT-C, CVLT-3, DKEFS, NEPSY-II, RBANS Update, GFTA-3, KLPA-3 (report only), CELF-5 UK, CELF Preschool-3 UK, EVT-3, PPVT-5, BBCS–4:R and BRSA-4.

    Please Note:
    All licences require the purchase of subtests (product number 9780749167615). Please add these to your cart before checkout. A minimum number of 150 subtests are required. Tiered pricing discounts are available.
    One licence required per user - please refer to our Licence Terms and Conditions.

    £200.00 Excl. VAT

    1-4 £200.00
    5-24 £175.00
    25-25 £150.00
    26+ £150.00
    Savings are estimated


Publication date:
Age range:
4 to 25 years 11 months
Qualification level:
Guidance on using this test in your telepractice 

Product Details

The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test - Third UK Edition (WIAT®-IIIUK) is the latest version of the most reliable and comprehensive assessment of reading, language and numerical attainment.


  • Suitable for use in a variety of educational, clinical and research settings.
  • Identify the academic strengths and weaknesses of a student
  • Inform decisions regarding eligibility for educational services, educational placement, or diagnosis of a specific learning difficulty
  • Plan intervention
  • Measure progress

The WIAT-III is also available on Q-global. Learn more on Q-global




  • 16 subtests to evaluate listening, speaking, reading, writing, and mathematics skills
  • 3 new subtests - oral reading fluency, maths fluency and early reading skills

Eight composite scores

  • Oral Language
  • Total Reading
  • Basic Reading
  • Reading Comprehension and Fluency
  • Written Expression
  • Mathematics
  • Maths Fluency
  • Total Achievement


  • Age-based standard scores
  • Percentile ranks
  • NCE’s
  • Stanines age equivalents

Psychometric Information The WIAT®-IIIUK was standardised on a fully stratified sample of 744 children and young people, based on the UK 2011 Census. The WIAT®-IIIUK will be correlated with the Wechsler achievement tests of comparable ages.


Updates to support EHCP, DSA and AA requirements, and best practice:

  • New UK norms from 4:0 - 25:11 years
  • Upwards extension of UK norms to 25:11 years
  • Standard scores for all subtests
  • Comparisons with Wechsler ability scores



About Q-Interactive

Q-interactive® is a revolutionary digital system that delivers the world’s most advanced assessment tools you can take with you anywhere. Administer interactive assessments with an intuitive, portable system that uses two iPads connected to each other via Bluetooth.

WIAT-III on Q-Interactive

The WIAT®-IIIUK on Q-interactive is available when you purchase a Standard Q-interactive licence*.

*PLEASE NOTE: Registered users with a qualification code of B are eligible to purchase assessments from the Standard Q-interactive licence. To view the list of available assessments and to place your order please click here.

To use WIAT®-IIIUK on Q-interactive you will also need to order an additional item - WIAT-III Response Booklet (9780749171919) - this can be purchased below or you can also purchase it directly from Pearson Clinical Customer Service on orders@pearsonclinical.co.uk or Tel: 0345 630 8888.





Can I digitally administer or digitally score the WIAT-lll UK on adults 26 years and older?

No this is not possible. Digital administration and scoring on Q-interactive and Q-global is available only for ages 4:0 years to 25:11 years on the WIAT-lll UK.

Can I use the WIAT-lll UK to test adults?

The intention for the WIAT-lll UK is for testing in the age range 4:0 years to 25:11 years. The UK norms in this edition were extended upwards to 25:11 years to support Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP), the Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) and Access Arrangements (AA) applications for young people.

The Technical Manual (included on USB in the WIAT-lll UK paper kit, and in the Qg digital library), is primarily included to provide additional reliability, validity and background information that is not available in the UK manuals.

The Technical Manual does however also include the US norms up to age 50. Please note that any administrations from the age of 26 upwards would require hand scoring. Although hand scoring for the AAD: predicted-difference and simple-difference method is possible, the PSW discrepancy analysis cannot be hand scored and is therefore not available for ages 26 upwards on the WIAT-lll UK.

How do I calculate reading speed scores from the WIAT-lll UK?

The new subtest, Oral Reading Fluency (ORF), provides separate standard scores for reading speed, accuracy and fluency. Early Reading, Reading Comprehension and Oral Reading Fluency are presented as three separate subtests in the WIAT-lll UK to more specifically target the measurement of these skills. The ORF subtest includes two passages per age group. The speed norms are based on reading aloud.

Why are the sample sizes smaller in the WIAT-lll UK than in the previous edition?

Technical advances in norming procedures, such as inferential norming, allow today's researchers to accomplish high quality norms with fewer cases when re-validating a new edition of an existing test that measures the same constructs as the previous edition. This is especially true when the revised test has already been validated in a country with a similar language and culture, such as other English speaking countries.


Zhu, J. & Chen, H-Y. (2011), Utility of Inferential Norming With Smaller Sample Sizes. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 29(6) 570-580, SAGE Publications

Bridges, A.J. & Holler, K.A. (2007), How Many Is Enough? Determining Optimal Sample Sizes For Normative Studies in Pediatric Neuropsychology. Child Neuropsychology, iFirst: 1-11, Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group

Is the WISC-V UK linked to the WIAT-III UK?

The WIAT-III UK is linked to WISC-VUK through a sample of 387 children who were administered both tests.

The WIAT-III UK is linked to WISC-V UK through a sample of 387 children who were administered both tests. Although there is recent debate about the necessity of co-norming (Rohling, et al, 2015), measurement experts have often stressed the importance of using co-normed or linked ability and achievement batteries in clinical diagnosing and assessing special learning disabilities (Reynolds, 1990; Wechsler 2009).

Co-normed or linked test batteries use identical or mostly identical normative samples that are representative of the population of interest, which ensures the pattern of strengths and weaknesses analysis or ability-achievement analysis are based on the same or similar reference groups.


Reynolds, C. R. (1990). Conceptual and technical problems in learning disability diagnosis.

C. R. Reynolds & R. W. Kamphaus (Eds.), Handbook of psychological and educational assessment of children: Intelligence and achievement (PP. 571-592). New York: Guilford Press.

Rohling, M. L., Miller, R. M., Axelrod, B. N., Wall, J. R., Lee, A. J. H., & Kinikini, D. T. (2015). Is co-norming required? Archives of Clinical Newropsychology, 30, 611-633.Wechsler, D. (2009). Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-Third edition. San Antonio, TX: Pearson.

Can we use the WIAT-lll UK to support applications for Access Arrangements for extra time?

Yes, the guidance for 2017/2018 from the Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments 2017-2018 - Section 7.5 states that "a timed, text-level reading test which includes comprehension questions, and provides a standardised score for reading speed, can be administered to assess the candidate’s need for extra time, or a computer reader/reader.

Assessors may also use a test which combines text-level speed and accuracy (sometimes known as reading fluency) as evidence for a computer reader/reader and/or extra time. The results may be recorded within Section C of Form 8 under reading speed."

The Oral Reading Fluency subtest on the WIAT-lll UK provides standard scores for both reading fluency and reading speed on passages read aloud and with a comprehension question.