KeyMaths3 UK

  • Austin J. Connolly, EdD
The KeyMaths3 UK gives SENCOs the tools to assess maths skills of students aged 6 years to 16 years 11 months, and assist in intervention planning

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  • KeyMaths3 UK Manual
    9780749164423 Qualification Level B


    £76.70 Excl. VAT

  • KeyMaths3 UK Record Form and Written Computation Booklet
    9780749164454 Qualification Level B


    £109.20 Excl. VAT


Publication date:
Age range:
6 to 16 years 11 months
Qualification level:

Product Details

While published and sold by Pearson in the past, KeyMaths3 UK is no longer available. Record forms currently remain available whilst stocks last.

KeyMaths3 UK gives you the tools to assess maths skills of students aged 6 years to 16 years 11 months and assist in intervention planning.


  • A comprehensive, norm-referenced measure of essential mathematical concepts and skills
  • Untimed and individually administered
  • Presents the full spectrum of maths concepts and skills in three areas: Basic concepts (conceptual knowledge), Operations (computational skills) and Applications (problem solving).


  • Several types of norm-referenced scores are provided, including scaled and standard scores and percentiles
  • Measures maths proficiency by providing comprehensive coverage of the concepts and skills that are taught in regular maths instruction
  • Measures student progress by providing highly reliable scores
  • Supports instructional development by providing accurate information regarding the specific concepts and skills within the examinee’s functional range
  • Supports educational placement by providing a variety of normative scores, which can be used to identify with accuracy the level at which the examinee is functioning.


The five basic concepts subtests represent a carefully selected set of concepts and skills at each level that form the foundation for mathematics learning and connections across subtests. KeyMaths3UK also includes two separate written computation subtests (Addition and Subtraction; Multiplication and Division). Operations skills are fundamental for success in mathematics and are often the source of maths learning difficulties.

Applications Subtests

The two applications subtests assess a student’s ability to apply conceptual knowledge and operational skills to solve maths problems.

  • The Foundations of Problem-Solving subtest includes items that require students to identify missing elements in a problem, operations needed to solve a problem, and optimal strategies for solving the problem.
  • The Applied Problem-Solving subtest presents maths problems in real-world contexts and includes items that require standard and nonstandard problem-solving strategies. In-depth subtest topic descriptions and behavioural objectives are included.
Areas and Subtest No. of items 
Basic Concepts 
Data Analysis and Probability 40
Mental Computation and Estimation40
Written Computation: Addition and Subtraction35
Written Computation: Multplication and Division21
Foundations of Problem Solving27
Applied Problem Solving35
