Q-interactive Scheduled Downtime: The Q-interactive website will undergo maintenance on 24 January (3:00 am–3:40 am GMT for version 9.1) and 26 January (4:00 pm–6:30 pm GMT). The website will be temporarily unavailable, but the Assess app will remain accessible.

Please Note: Our 2025 price increase will take effect on January 17th.

Dyslexia Screening Test – 2nd Edition


Product Details

Important Update on the Dyslexia Screening Test – 2nd Edition (DST-2) 

We’ve made a change in our publication plans for the DST-2. The DST-2 authors will lead and complete the final stages of the DST-2 publication, including scoring software which provides a report with implications for support. Pearson and the authors are working together to make this happen quickly and efficiently. If you have any questions about DST-2, please get in touch with Rod Nicolson.

Although the DST-2 will not be published by Pearson, we fully support the need for and the value of dyslexia screening. We offer a range of educational and clinical tools designed to meet all of your assessment needs.  

We appreciate your understanding and ongoing trust in Pearson. If you have any questions or need further support, please do not hesitate to contact us

Kind regards, 

Robert Craig 
Sales Director Clinical Assessment UK, Middle East & Africa